
Origin: Caldas, Colombia

Producer: Rodrigo Echeverry

Variety: Catiope

Process: Natural, 36 hours fermentation, followed by a drying process at a controlled temperature.

Altitude: 19000 m

Harvest: February 2023

Aromatic profile: Raspberry, blueberry, ripe red fruits.

Coffee Description By Gaby

A great example of how technology and quality-controlled processes
can be use to make a difference in coffee production.

We came into contact with Finca Laderas del Tapias thanks to their agronomist, Cesar Osorio, who is also a certified Q-grader and who is doing a great job of improving coffee production, processing and consistency on the farm.


Finca Laderas del Tapias is located in the municipality of Neira Caldas, Vereda Santa Isabel. An area of volcanic soils and altitudes ranging from 1650 to 1950 masl, constitute an ecotope privileged for the development of high quality coffee.

Rodrigo and Cesar Osorio work together to develop fermentation processes that create different cup profiles and add value to each variety.
After visiting the farm and learning about their production processes, we cupped 4 different varieties that were processed into 10 different flavor profiles.



After hand-picking the ripe cherries, a second selection takes place. The cherries are then fermented for a period of 36 hours, followed by a drying process at a controlled temperature.



